Friday, May 28, 2010

A Ticket To Hell Only Costs $1

In order to do my scrap books I like to get a good collection of visually stimulating 3D stickers that aid in the theme of my page/book. Since I don't feel like spending a million dollars (just a few hundred....) I frequent the Dollar Stretcher in the Cornwall Centre during my lunch break when I have nothing better to do. And let me tell you, I will not be returning again for a while. The last few times I have gone I have encountered too many jerks/creeps/weirdos.
First encounter: I was standing by the scrap book section near the back of the store when a loudmouthed woman comes out of another aisle and asks very loudly, "Where are the tape measurers?" Since I don't work there and I have trained myself to no respond to those questions any more, I ignored her. That was until I could see her out of the corner of my eye staring at me. I turned to her and said "Sorry I don't work here." She gives me this nasty look and then brushes past me in a huff making the sound you make when you're displeased with someone. I can hear her at the front of the store asking one of the employees where the tape measurers are and they direct her to the back wall a few aisles over from me. I can still hear her. There must have been a guy standing back there too because I hear this: "Um excuse me can I look too P-ULEASE!" Jesus I think to myself, what is wrong with this woman? "Where are the tape measurers!?" I hear her again and the guy says "I don't work here." and her reply..."Well help me out buddy!" There is silence for a moment and then he says: "Aren't those it right there in front of you?" "Oh yeah ha ha they are. No wait this is the kind you get at Home Depot. What are you blind!?" I figured I didn't need to hear any more and I really didn't want her to circle back my way so I high tailed it out of there.
Second Encounter: I ventured over to the mall again to pick up some pretty bows to top off my Secret Santa present for the girl I had picked. I had planned on being in and out in a flash. I get in line behind this woman with a full basket and an enormous hood. And then behind me comes this old lady who's so very clearly invading my bubble. I have an issue with personal space and those who disrespect it. It's all fine and dandy if I know you, but this lady was seriously violating my space. I did what I always do, I shuffle over a bit. She now I am clearly uncomfortably standing nearly out of line and she continues to inch up on me. I am finally next in line and I am standing directly behind the lady with the huge hood. Then the woman behind me shoves me out of the way a little more and puts all her shit on the counter a head of me. She smiles at me and says "My hand hurts." I look at her items on the counter and think, make-up puffs? Really those are too heavy for you to hang on to? She must have some serious arthritis in her hand. Now I know what is going to happen here...they're going to ring her shit in before mine and as a test of faith I allow it to happen. The old bag waits till the last funking item (of about 7) is punched in before she says a damn thing. Fuck that shit; she knew what was going on long before that. At one point I was so livid I nearly threw a small childish tantrum right there. I wanted to throw the $1.10 bows at the counter and walk out in a huff. Instead I stood there with the least impressed look on my face EVER. The cashier and the manager kept stuttering "Oh sorry we didn't see you there." Ummmm maybe if the giant hood in front of me had packed her shit up and left in a reasonable amount of time you may have...eventually. Anyway the lady behind me pays via interact and I toss my twoonie (Canadian two dollar coin for those of you who do not know) at the manager and she keeps saying how sorry she is. Really I don't blame them I blame the devious pushy old woman behind me who probably runs that scam every chance she gets. What a hooker.

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